How to: Dual range slider in React with Framer Motion

We will learn how to implement a range slider with two thumbs with Framer Motion

6 min read
by Mees Rutten | Sat Jul 04 2020

In this article I'll show how we achieved to create a dual range slider from scratch in React with Framer Motion.

Tech stack

This component was built at Level30Wizards, the Tech Stack we used to achieve this is:

  • React for markup, templating, routing, etc.
  • Framer Motion for animation
  • EmotionCSS to write normal CSS, nest selectors and componentize styles


We want to create a slider with two thumbs that allow us to pick a range between two values. The slider should add the values to hidden inputs for easy access when submitting forms.


2 // The are the inputs that will capture the values of the slider.
3 <input
4 type="hidden"
5 name={'price-min'}
6 value={(max / (trackWidthInPx / knobX)).toFixed(0)}
7 />
8 <input
9 type="hidden"
10 name={'price-max'}
11 value={(max / (trackWidthInPx / knobXSecond)).toFixed(0)}
12 />
13 // A title or label
14 <p
15 style={{
16 textAlign: 'left',
17 fontWeight: 'bold',
18 margin: '.5rem 0',
19 }}
20 >
21 {label}
22 </p>
23 // These are small amount labels that show the selected value of both thumbs.
24 <AmountLabels>
25 <small
26 style={{
27 marginBottom: '0.25rem',
28 marginRight: '0.25rem',
29 }}
30 >
31 {/* If knobX isnt 0 or lower we set the textvalue on the track */}
32 {knobX > 0
33 ? Math.ceil(
34 parseInt((max / (trackWidthInPx / knobX)).toFixed(0), 10) / 5
35 ) * 5
36 : t('filters.priceRange.noMin')}
37 </small>
38 {'-'}
39 <small
40 style={{
41 marginLeft: '0.25rem',
42 marginBottom: '0.25rem',
43 }}
44 >
45 {/* We set the text value for knobXSecond */}
46 {Math.ceil(
47 parseInt((max / (trackWidthInPx / knobXSecond)).toFixed(0), 10) / 5
48 ) * 5}
49 </small>
50 </AmountLabels>
51 // This is the "rail/track" where the thumbs will slide on.
52 <motion.div css={Track} ref={constraintsRef}>
53 // The first thumb (or knob)
54 <motion.div
55 css={Knob}
56 drag="x"
57 initial={{
58 x: knobX,
59 }}
60 dragMomentum={false}
61 // When you stop dragging we update the AmountLabel value
62 onDragEnd={() => {
63 const minPrice = Number(getValueOfKnob(knobX));
64 setSliderMin(minPrice);
65 }}
66 // While you're dragging we update the knobX state
67 onDrag={(event, info) => {
68 // Check if the point where you slide is bigger than second knob...
69 // knobSeparatorLength is a magic value for 2rem size of the knobs. This will influence the bounds of the knobs
70 const newValue =
71 info.point.x > knobXSecond - knobSeparatorLength
72 ? knobXSecond - knobSeparatorLength
73 : info.point.x;
74 //Math.ceil(N / 5) * 5; rounds to nearest 5
75 updateKnobX(newValue < 0 ? 0 : Math.ceil(newValue / 5) * 5);
76 }}
77 // Cant be dragged further than...
78 dragConstraints={{
79 left: 0,
80 right: knobXSecond - knobSeparatorLength,
81 }}
82 />
83 // The second thumb (or knob)
84 <motion.div
85 css={Knob}
86 drag="x"
87 initial={{
88 x: knobXSecond,
89 }}
90 dragMomentum={false}
91 onDragEnd={() => {
92 const maxPrice = Number(getValueOfKnob(knobXSecond));
93 setSliderMax(maxPrice);
94 }}
95 onDrag={(event, info) => {
96 // Check if the point where you slide isn't smaller than first knob and not bigger than bounds...
97 const newValue =
98 info.point.x > trackWidthInPx
99 ? trackWidthInPx
100 : info.point.x < knobX + knobSeparatorLength
101 ? knobX + knobSeparatorLength
102 : info.point.x;
103 updateKnobXSecond(Math.ceil(newValue / 5) * 5);
104 }}
105 dragConstraints={{
106 left: knobX + knobSeparatorLength,
107 right: trackWidthInPx,
108 }}
109 />
110 </motion.div>


When you use EmotionCSS, you can use props to determine styling. An example of this can see seen in the CSS block of the Track. There we calculate a linear-gradient based on the position of the thumbs.

1const Knob = styled.div`
2 ${({ knobSize }: any) => css`
3width: ${knobSize}rem;
4height: ${knobSize}rem;
5border-radius: 50%;
6background-color: white;
7top: calc(-50% - 0.5rem);
8position: absolute;
9box-shadow: 0 1px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
10cursor: pointer;
12&:nth-of-type(2) {
13 left: -2rem;
17// withComponent is from EmotionCSS to use a styled.div with a Framer Motion motion.div
18const AnimatedKnob = Knob.withComponent(motion.div);
20const Track = styled(motion.div)`
21 ${({ trackWidth, knobX, knobXSecond, trackWidthInPx }: any) => css`
22 width: ${trackWidth}rem;
23 height: 0.5rem;
24 background-color: #3d5ef8;
25 /* This gradient contains a calculation for the slider track. */
26 background: linear-gradient(
27 to right,
28 #dae3f4 0%,
29 #dae3f4 ${Number((100 * (knobX / trackWidthInPx)).toFixed(2))}%,
30 #3d5ef8 ${Number(100 * (knobX / trackWidthInPx) + 8).toFixed(2)}%,
31 #3d5ef8 ${Number((100 * (knobXSecond / trackWidthInPx)).toFixed(2)) -
32 8 -
33 0.01}%,
34 #dae3f4 ${Number(100 * (knobXSecond / trackWidthInPx)).toFixed(2)}%
35 );
36 border-radius: 0.25rem;
37 position: relative;
38 margin: 1rem 0 2rem;
39 `}
42const Row = styled.div`
43 display: flex;
44 align-items: baseline;
45 margin: 1rem 0 1.5rem;
46 position: relative;
49const AmountLabels = styled.div`
50 font-size: 0.875rem;
51 background-color: ${theme.colors.greyTags};
52 border-radius: 0.5rem;
53 padding: 0.5rem;
54 display: inline-block;
55 margin-bottom: 0.5rem;

Using hooks

I used hooks to keep a state, update values and set references to certain elements/components. We also like to use TypeScript to keep things readable.

1// SliderParent.tsx
2const SliderParentComponent = () => {
3 const [sliderMin, setSliderMin] = useState(personalDetails.minBudget);
4 const [sliderMax, setSliderMax] = useState(personalDetails.maxBudget);
6 return (
7 <Slider
8 defaultMinBudget={personalDetails.minBudget}
9 defaultMaxBudget={personalDetails.maxBudget}
10 label={t('common:Core.whatIsYourMonthlyBudget')}
11 max={4000}
12 t={t}
13 setSliderMin={setSliderMin}
14 setSliderMax={setSliderMax}
15 />
16 );
22interface Props {
23 max: number; //ex. 4000
24 defaultMinValue?: number; // If there is a value already, we use this as placeholder
25 defaultMaxValue?: number;
26 t: TFunction; // Our translation library for multi language (next18next)
27 label?: string; //Text value of the label
28 setSliderMin: (value: number) => void; // This is a state
29 setSliderMax: (value: number) => void;
32export const Slider: React.FC<Props> = props => {
33 const {
34 label,
35 max,
36 t,
37 setSliderMin,
38 setSliderMax,
39 defaultMinValue,
40 defaultMaxValue,
41 } = props;
42 // We use trackLength to increase the length of the slider.
43 const trackLength = 10;
44 // `trackWidth` is the final width of the slider.
45 const trackWidth = 1.5 * trackLength;
46 // We use `rem` as our size values so we need to multiple the width by 16 (1rem = 16px)
47 const trackWidthInPx = trackWidth * 16; //192
48 // This is a scale to increase the size of the Knobs/Thumbs
49 const knobSize = 2;
50 const knobSizeInPx = knobSize * 16;
51 // This is the amount of range we want to keep between two thumbs/knobs to avoid them stacking
52 const knobSeparatorLength = knobSizeInPx * 2.25;
54 // max is a number value (ex. 4000)
55 function getPixelValue(knob) {
56 return (knob / max) * trackWidthInPx;
57 }
59 // We calculate the value of the knob on the track. We like to increment in steps of 5
60 function getValueOfKnob(knob) {
61 const value: number = parseInt(
62 (max / (trackWidthInPx / knob)).toFixed(0),
63 10
64 );
65 return Math.ceil(value / 5) * 5;
66 }
68 // This is the first knobs value and position on the track.
69 const [knobX, updateKnobX] = useState(
70 defaultMinValue ? getPixelValue(defaultMinValue) : 0
71 );
72 const [knobXSecond, updateKnobXSecond] = useState(
73 defaultMaxValue ? getPixelValue(defaultMaxValue) : trackWidthInPx
74 );
75 // A constraintsRef to use set on the track and disallow the knobs to move further than the knob
76 const constraintsRef = useRef(null);

Big thanks to @moniac for bugfixing ;)

Final words

That's it! This component can for example allow a user to set their budget on an e-commerce website. We gave the default values and final value state via useState hook as a prop, so we are able to use the value from the slider in it's parent.

Thanks for reading!

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