How I built the Level30Wizards page transition with Gatsby and Framer Motion

In this article we learn to implement the Level30Wizards page transition with Framer Motion and Gatsby

4 min read
by Mees Rutten | Thu Jul 02 2020

Tech stack

The Level30Wizards website is built with:


I'll share and explain the code we used to achieve the page transition effect (it's kind of hacky, but bear with me 🐻).


The layout file and component holds all content of all pages.
That's why we kept it as generic as possible.
In the Layout component we add <PageTransition />

1const Layout = ({ children }) => {
2 return (
3 <TransitionContextProvider>
4 <div
5 style={{
6 margin: `0 auto`,
7 minHeight: 0,
8 }}
9 >
10 <main
11 style={{
12 overflowY: 'scroll',
13 overflowX: 'hidden',
14 height: '100vh',
15 minHeight: 0,
16 }}
17 >
18 {children}
19 </main>
20 </div>
21 <PageTransition />
22 </TransitionContextProvider>
23 );

Page Transition component

1const PageTransition = () => {
2 const { transition } = useContext(TransitionContext);
3 const [playState, setPlayState] = useState(transition);
5 useEffect(() => {
6 setPlayState(transition);
7 }, [transition]);
9 return (
10 <AnimatePresence>
11 {playState && (
12 <motion.div
13 variants={parentVariants}
14 initial="visible"
15 animate="hidden"
16 exit="visible"
17 aria-hidden={true}
18 css={css`
19 width: 100%;
20 height: 100%;
21 position: fixed;
22 top: 0;
23 left: 0;
24 z-index: 11;
25 pointer-events: none;
26 transform-origin: left;
28 > div {
29 height: 25vh;
30 margin-top: -5vh;
31 width: 100vw;
32 background-color: #3466bf;
33 transform-origin: right;
34 }
35 > figure {
36 position: fixed;
37 top: calc(50% - 8rem);
38 left: calc(50% - 8rem);
39 transform-origin: center;
40 width: 16rem;
41 height: 16rem;
42 z-index: 12;
43 padding: 0;
44 margin: 0;
45 svg {
46 width: 100%;
47 height: 100%;
48 }
49 }
50 `}
51 >
52 <motion.div variants={childVariants} exit={'visible'} key={0}>
53 {' '}
54 </motion.div>
55 <motion.div variants={childVariants} exit={'visible'} key={1}>
56 {' '}
57 </motion.div>
58 <motion.div variants={childVariants} exit={'visible'} key={2}>
59 {' '}
60 </motion.div>
61 <motion.div variants={childVariants} exit={'visible'} key={3}>
62 {' '}
63 </motion.div>
64 <motion.div variants={childVariants} exit={'visible'} key={4}>
65 {' '}
66 </motion.div>
67 <motion.figure variants={childVariantHead} exit={'visible'} key={5}>
68 <HeadLogo />
69 </motion.figure>
70 </motion.div>
71 )}
72 </AnimatePresence>
73 );


The TransitionContextProvider provides a state to it's children.
This state is used to toggle the PageTransition.
You can see that in the <PageTransition> component we get the shared state with useContext and use that value to set the playstate.
With a useEffect hook we update the playstate to the correct value.

1export const TransitionContext = React.createContext(undefined);
3export const TransitionContextProvider = props => {
4 const [transition, setTransition] = useState(true);
6 return (
7 <TransitionContext.Provider
8 value={{
9 transition: transition,
10 setTransition: setTransition,
11 }}
12 >
13 {props.children}
14 </TransitionContext.Provider>
15 );

Framer Motion

Framer Motion let's us create reusable transitions. It also handles staggers, staggerDirection and has built-in easing.
<3 Framer Motion.
We used the following variants to define our transition:

1export const parentVariants = {
2 visible: {
3 transition: {
4 ease: 'circInOut',
5 staggerChildren: 0.2,
6 staggerDirection: -1,
7 },
8 },
9 hidden: {
10 transition: {
11 ease: 'circInOut',
12 staggerChildren: 0.2,
13 staggerDirection: -1,
14 },
15 },
18export const childVariants = {
19 visible: {
20 scaleX: 1,
21 transition: {
22 ease: 'circInOut',
23 duration: 1,
24 },
25 },
26 hidden: {
27 scaleX: 0,
28 transition: {
29 ease: 'circInOut',
30 duration: 1,
31 },
32 },
35export const childVariantHead = {
36 visible: {
37 scale: 1,
38 rotate: 0,
39 transition: {
40 ease: 'easeInOut',
41 duration: 0.5,
42 delay: 1.2,
43 },
44 },
45 hidden: {
46 scale: 0,
47 rotate: 15,
48 transition: {
49 ease: 'easeInOut',
50 duration: 0.5,
51 delay: 0.4,
52 },
53 },


We built a wrapper around the Gatsby Link component.
This is where it gets hacky, we use a setTimeout to trigger the <PageTransition> animation state.

This is how it works:

  1. The user clicks on the TLink
  2. We prevent the browser from navigating
  3. We toggle the setTransition to false, triggering the animation to reverse
  4. We use a setTimeout to delay the navigation for the time it takes to complete the animation (bad practice, i'm sorry)
  5. The user navigates
  6. The <PageTransition> component updates the playstate to true and reverts the animation
1import React, { useContext } from 'react';
2import { css } from '@emotion/core';
3import { Link, navigate } from 'gatsby';
4import { TransitionContext } from './layout';
6const transitionStyles = css`
7 color: #d8cf25;
8 text-decoration: none;
9 border-bottom: 2px solid currentColor;
10 font-weight: bold;
11 outline: none;
12 -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
15export const TLink = props => {
16 const { to, children, styles } = props;
17 const { setTransition } = useContext(TransitionContext);
19 return (
20 <Link
21 to={to}
22 title={to === '/' ? 'Home' : to.replace(/\//g, ' ')}
23 css={[transitionStyles, styles]}
24 onClick={e => {
25 e.preventDefault();
27 setTransition(false);
28 setTimeout(() => {
29 navigate(to);
30 }, 1800);
31 }}
32 >
33 {children}
34 </Link>
35 );

Final demo

You can check out the result here:

Thanks for reading!

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